Mission and Vision
It is the mission of Faith Filled Future to be a support and an encouragement to believers in Jesus Christ. Paul wrote in the book of Romans, chapter 12, verse 13, that we are to tend to the needs of the saints, to pursue hospitality. This site exists as an answer to that instruction. Being written in God's word, from a man so dramatically converted by Jesus Christ himself, these words are considered the inspired and authoritative words from God. So Faith Filled Future was started as an online community building effort for believers in Jesus Christ. Over time it is hoped that this site can be that support and encouragement you need and that God instructs us to provide. Over time, it is my prayer that God will use you and I through this site to reach other believers, and nonbelievers alike, both through prayer and deed.
The vision is simple. Let our light shine before men so they may see our good works and glorify God. We are in some dark times, let us be a beacon of hope that we can provide through the power of our God and our Savior! A light to those who are lost, and a beacon for the prodigals who are in need of help finding their way back to God.
If you're relationship with God is a good one, that is exciting, and I praise God for your dedication to Him. I hope and pray that you will join our online community to share in the effort to support and encourage other believers.
Our Beliefs:
God's Divine Word: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
That the Bible is the infallible, written word of God. Written by authors who were inspired by the Spirit of God to pen the doctrine we use to guide our lives along the narrow path.
God as our Creator: Genesis Chapter 1
That God is our Creator and the Creator of all things. That evolution and all other explanations for our existence are false and can be proven to be fallible.
The Holy Trinity: Matthew 28:19
That the Trinity exists as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. That at any time we can have a personal relationship with God that encompasses all three at the same time.
Our Sinful Nature: Romans 5:12
That humankind, since the time of Adam and Eve, are sinful by nature. That humankind was created by God to choose to love Him and obey Him, yet chose instead to sin against Him when tempted by Satan. That this original sin is spread through every generation and can only be reconciled through the death of Jesus Christ as it was prophesied in the Old Testament and lived out by Jesus, and experienced by many in the New Testament.
Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
1 Corinthians 15:3-8
That Jesus Crist was born on earth through the virgin Mary. That He lived a righteous life for which He eventually was crucified for in order to atone for our sins. Yet He did not remain in the grave, but rose again on the third day after His death, and after appearing to several of His disciples and others after his resurrection, ascended back into Heaven to be seated on the right hand of the throne of God.
Jesus Is Coming Back: 1 Thessalonians 4:16
That God has promised us that Jesus Christ will return one day at a time only known by God. That Jesus will return, descending from heaven with the sound of the trumpet.
Salvation Can Only Be Found Through Jesus Christ
John 3:16, Romans 3:23, Ephesians 2:8
That salvation comes only through Jesus Christ. His death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, therefore Jesus Christ's death was necessary as the only price that could be paid to provide us a way back to a relationship with God. Think about it and let this sink in... God loved us so much, that He gave His only Son as a sacrifice in order to provide us a way back to a relationship with Him. Love that is this sacrificial is the ultimate demonstration of true love and the strong desire of God to see us choose to restore our relationship with Him through salvation that is only found in Jesus Christ, who paid that ultimate sacrifice. It is because of this sacrifice that doing good works to get to heaven is not needed and works alone will never be able to save us, it is only through Jesus Christ and Him alone.